viernes, diciembre 08, 2006

Rain hunter

He finished filling in his suitcase with his things all put in perfect order.Another soaked day outside and his dimmed window toning down the lights which came from outside.Little by little he got closer and closer to the entrance and at the time he closed the door he closed gate of his garden for once and for all.
Now he found himself walking through misty wet streets holding his luggage and leaving himself behind step by step.Another stranger or maybe foreigner walking down his own homeland,people just kept on looking at him and ignoring him at the same time.He didn't care at all,his only worry was not to slip because of the frost covering with greatful majesty the road he was now building with his own feet.
The road was now finished,now he was standing by the door of and inn.He would stay a night or two until he could get his money out of the bank and maybe rent a small room or even a small apartment if the chances would just suit.
A small room for a rebuilt man who although was still being the same.And now what?,he thought,should I keep on with my daily work or blow up this place so to find the obscure ends of my sanity? Still his hunger and thirst were stronger than anything at that moment.He asked the householder about a place where he could go and have a couple of drinks and something to appease his burning hunger.The householder giggled a little,he was just not used to hear those expressions fullfilled with such property and a bit of elocuent humour around the town.He asked him if he came from abroad or maybe he was related to the royal family while letting another little and annoying giggle escape.
Here we go again,he thought."No,I've lived here since I remember"
"Oh then you must be one of those actors looking for some kind of decent company to accept them around the town" he smiled.
"I'm afraid not,sir" he finally replied with a stingy tone.
The smiling man told him about a tavern not too far away from there but he warned him not to expect anything so exquisite as his language.He wished him a bon appetite with lame attemp of french pronunciation.
The weather got a little bit better although the sky was threating to fall,at least it was not raining but the streets kept on being slippering.He went in the smoky tavern where everybody looked at him with distrust and maybe some a bad intention.He could had left but it was too late,he was already sitting in a deteriorated old table having a stake and a cold beer.Everybody stopped looking at him when he finished his meal,asked for a glass of scotch and lit himself a cigarrette.What could he do now? Break down the walls and join the snooker or maybe the poker? Look for a lifestealer to spend the night with so to remember to himself his own natural condition given when he was born? He would just stay there and drown into his thoughts while getting drunk sip by sip.
"May I join you?" a voice asked.
"Excuse me?" he rushed to answer,he felt as if someone had woken him up all of a sudden.
"May I join you or not?"
"Yeah...yes,you can...join me"
A green eyed girl with long wavy red hair and freckles on her cheeks was now sitting in front of him.Maybe she had read his mind half an hour ago and chose the second option.Poor creature,he thought,she's wasting her time and tonight's youth.
Silence.There was only silence and a strange eyecontact game between them.Where's she planning to get with all this farce?
"Are you new in town?" she asked
"No,I'm not" damnit! he blasphemed to himself
"Why you looked so annoyed?"
"Do you really want to know why?"
"As long as it can be said without you causing the Guy Fawkes effect in this tavern" she laughed
"Ok,enough of this childish thing,what is what you want?"
"What I want are you asking?"
"What I ask for cannot be given in just a night,not even in a hundred years"
"And so?"
"So what my annoyed friend?"
"Why are you here?"
"That cannot be told,I'm sorry"
So now somehow he was in the prelude of his coming disgrace and to make it more of fairy tale or a tragic comedy,someone was sent to him so to entertain him.
"What's your name?" she restarted the dialogue
"That cannot be told"
"Why are you playing my cards,dear stranger?"
"Why are you here,dear curiousity?"
"It seems that you are from the difficult type"
"I'm no type,my dear miss"
"My name is Hunter,mister"
"My name is Rainer"
Hunter.A suitable name for a situation like this one.Yes,she came to hunt me down and maybe sell myself to feelings slaughters.I won't let her do that and she won't even have chance since I'm already gone.Yes,I'm gone,he angrily thought.
"Can I have some of that?" she pointed to the empty glass.
"It's empty"
"Oh really? And who said I wanted what had been into the glass? Can I have it or not?"
"It's already yours" he handed it to her.
There she was looking at the glass thoroughly as if she was looking for something it could not be seen at a simple look.He was now curious of what it was going on in front of him which he just couldn't understand quiet well.What was she looking for in that empty glass? There was only the smell of the scotch left in there.
"I found it!" she exclaimed with excitement
"What is what you found?"
She was leaning her lips on the brim of the glass and she was smiling while doing that.
"Excuse me but,what is what you are doing?"
"I'm giving you a far distance kiss since we seem to have the great wall in between"
He found himself answerless and clueless of what doing next.Was this just a strange mischief? No one in the tavern seemed to know what was really going on and no one seemed to care either.Now again,what should he do now? Follow the game,let the game follow him or just accept the fact that he was the primal attraction of this weird show?
The seconds became minutes and the minutes became hours.It was raining hard outside but he was maybe so drunk that he didn't care and Hunter was there with him running under the rain.They weren't looking for shelter or anything at all,they were just running and screaming nonsenses to the deaf soul of the city.Screaming the truths to an all powerful city which was now in pure decadence.This was London in the lately night,this was London in the forgotten minds.No one cared,Hunter didn't care the threat of being caught for causing disturbs and Rainer...well he was so drunk that he didn't care about anything at all really.He was just feeling fine,maybe this was a short-term sensation but he didn't care.Maybe this was heaven and he did never noticed where he had left himself,who cared? He was was too happy,too well to care.Was it the alcohol? He rejected to answer that either.
Rainer was now a drop of spring water being warmed by the life which was running under the surface on which he was sliding.Was he returning to his garden? The sun was shinning so brightly that it blinded him and the warmth was healing his wounds or at least taking the bad feeling away.He felt on cloud nine and that calling temptation of a beating life under a thin cover embrasing him hard and changing everything in such radical and at the same time,subtle way.Had he ever felt like this? Will he ever feel like this again? And what is going on now? Why is he feeling so cold again? The spell was broken.Now his sunset was going down and down until the sky turn blood red again.Back to the painful city which didn't doubt to stab you side by side on the back.The return to his now burnt garden.He knew it from the beginning but he was just too hypnotized with the short-term one-way ticket sensation to remember the clear evidences of what was going on.She was trading himself for a good marchandise.Hunter might had been one of those who are very good friends,sisters,lovers,brides at the beginning just to chain you and sent you away to the feeling slaughter.Now he felt slaughterized and a cold sweat kept on running through his back.He was now a victim of his own blindness and candor very proper of a child.You wanted to feel like a real man? he thought,now you know you are just a broken child and that you should had never ever opened that gate again.
All kind of thoughts and feelings full of sorrow assaulted himself and to make this worse he still remembered how he felt before.Actually he was not remembering it,he was kind of feeling it in a reduced way.Faith was just laughing at him,laughing at the bad joke she played to him dressed in gold as a queen of days of old.So wonderful and at the same time evil,she was.The dream is over,he already knew that.
What he couldn't stop wondering was why after already knowing that it was all just an ilussion and a well played prank played by this fair lady named faith he was still feeling that small flame.Wasn't enough for her? Why she kept on doing this? Evil has no limits,a new lesson he has learned.
Rainer finally opened his eyes,the sun was straining through the little holes of the window's slatted shutter.Now he was awake and sinking in his own depression lake and eventhough he was awake the feeling kept on his chest.He wanted to end this for once and forever.He started this revolution from his temporally bed and he didn't care about anything anymore,he would put a real end to everything,he would put a real end to himself.He was sure of where he had put his gun but he couldn't move.Why couldn't he move? After all the suffering he was now afraid of ending it? How pathetic he could be sometimes,he thought.
When he finally moved he found himself being hold very tightly and when he turned round to see what was stopping him from his gun-fire death,Hunter was there asleep and holding him with great strengh as trying to keep him away from putting an end to himself without a real reason.Hunter was there to hunt him down from death.

-Blamberose Ov Shadydowns

7 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Inkreible, la verdad... terrible, posta... muy atrapante y re bien ambientado! =D

Tan sólo algunos errores kon ciertos verbos o alguna ke otra nimiedad, pero excelente.

Felicitaciones, my pale enchantress, you've completed the task successfully! =)

Me voy yendo!

Besote Vickyyyyyy!

Anónimo dijo...

Hey Vikkie! at last something in english here you know Aug told me about your blog and all but everything is in spanish and I don't really feel like asking him to translate me everything and this online translators sometimes would just not work properly and everything very complicated.I feel bad for posting in english since you all guys post in spanish and I just feel outta place posting in english I guess I will take spanish classed,with homeland russian and my poor french is not enough :(
I liked it and I heard yesterday you guys were remembering our holidays in Germany for the world-cup I hope it repeats soon and why don't you come with us? why don't you come to Russia? convince your mum and come to Russia with your sis!!
Vikkie I've got to keep on working,new dogs came today so I'm very excited and I made a list of new names for them.How's ya husky doing? :):)
Take care girl!
Great hug and kiss for you

Anónimo dijo...
Este blog ha sido eliminado por un administrador de blog.
Anónimo dijo...

La gente hizo un abuso total de la letra K,es muy feo esto.
Es extrano,pero muy lindo lo que has escrito con extrano me refiero a que mas alla de que se nota que sos vos,simplemente no es igual a lo otro.Puede ser que pese a tus errores tontos escribas mejor en inglés que en espanol? no vayas a tomarmelo como una ofensa
Me he levantado bien temprano,son casi las seis de la manana porque tenía pensado hacer ejercicio
Falta poco para el examen,cómo te estás preparando?
Con lo demás bien? mi pensamiento es que no hay que hacer caso,jugá bien tus cartas con la cabeza bien fría para no perder,me lo dijo Vladimir en Berlin cuando no nos quedaba nada de dinero y jugamos al poker,tampoco lo perdimos todo pero con lo que había ganado no alcanzaba ni para llenar medio tanque y bueno luego lo de la multa y llamar al hermano de Ralf y estas malditas situaciones en las que me veo metido y no había cajeros automáticos cerca para poder extraer nada de ninguna tarjeta de crédito,muchísima mala suerte la nuestra en el medio de la nada a 20 kms de Berlín y luego el policía que nos detuvo para multarnos porque "estacionamos mal" policía alemana imbécil,pero Francia ganó,pudimos pagar la multa,llenar el tanque y volver a Frankfurt y bueno sí,me gusta la frase VIVA LA FRANKFURT! ya basta de las vacaciones de verano,me gustaron y fueron para recordar pero basta ya.
Hola Vladimir ahi arriba,Victoria tu blog ya no es secreto para nadie.
Au revoir

lola dijo...

sis,me gusto mucho! si si, esto confirma mi teoria que a pesar de que te quejes de que te falta vocabulario y que en tu colegio no te exigen, y bla bla bla, escribis mejor en ingles que en español. va al menos a mi me gusta mucho mas. como esas canciones/poemas que escribias antes, te acordas?
bueno antes de que haga mas calor, me voy a ver si canjeo mi regalo, ojala esta sucursal si tenga crimen y castigo! no quiero salir con este calor para nada.

besotess personita,
una de mis misses nos ponia siempre que estabamos haciendo bien las cosas o habiamos mejorado, Keep at it! asi todo con caritas.
extraño tanto ingles.

Anónimo dijo...

Agradezco la invitacion hecha en el e-mail y por los demas y doy la razon a Pierre en que tu blog no es secreto para nadie y maldita aquella jodida policia que nos detuvo cuando no estacionamos mal,pero se soluciono al final y no fuimos para nada a Berlin,Francia le gano a Brasil,todos estabamos mas emocionados que Pierre!! y si Viva La Frankfurt! no me acuerdo como inventamos eso,pero tuvo su gran exito hasta la fecha
Ya te envie un e-mail y depaso yo tambien firmo
Los errores son uno o dos,para mi esta bien ya dejen de criticarla que ustedes no cometen errores o que?
Mucha suerte el lunes =)
Un beso y un abrazo y te cuidas
-War Command

Anónimo dijo...

Toda la gente hoy,tu blog por algun motivo no me deja postearte,pruebo con anonimo a ver que onda,ya sabes que soy yo!
-Blackened Silver Wolf